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School hosts Army officer, raises funds

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News from Mission Valley Christian Academy

POLSON — Mission Valley Christian Academy hosted Army Chief Warrant Officer Brian Piercy from Kalispell on Monday, Nov. 7 for Veterans Day. Brian has been a member of the Army National Guard in the Kalispell unit since 2006 and has been deployed several times to Kuwait. He is a Black Hawk helicopter pilot and also serves in Army intelligence.

Brian shared his experiences with the students in stories, a slide show and answered questions about his time overseas. He is married and a father to two daughters and works as a mortgage broker at First Interstate Bank in Kalispell in his civilian occupation. Brian also serves as a member of the Army Honor Guard for deceased veterans. Brian is rated to fly fixed wing aircraft as well as helicopters. After the presentation and question and answer time, the students were able to pray for Brian and all the members of the military for their safety and encouragement.

The students and staff at MVCA also partnered with the GI Go Fund to raise money for veterans with the Jeans for Troops campaign. Seventeen students and staff paid $5 to wear blue jeans to school and so $85 will be sent to help veterans receive services in gaining education, employment and healthcare. More than 80 percent of all funds received go directly to the soldiers needs in transitioning back to civilian life and only 7 percent is used for administrative needs.

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