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Briefs fo Sept. 6, 2017

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Children’s Choir to begin again

RONAN — The Mission Valley Choir will begin its third year on Wednesday, Sept. 13, at the Faith Lutheran Church, 406 Fifth Ave. SW.  It is co-directed by Cathy Gillhouse and Pastor Seth Nelson and accompanied by Robyn Carlson. Children in grades two to six are welcome. Snacks and game/circle time is from 3:45-4:14 p.m. Rehearsal is from 4:15-5:30 p.m. (This is a change from last year.)

The children will sing songs in many different styles of music ranging from folk, spirituals, show tunes, sacred, patriotic and inspirational. All children are welcome to join at no cost.

Pastor Seth Nelson will meet children who attend K. William Harvey Elementary after school in front of the building and walk them over to the church. 

For more information, call 406-207-3032 or email:


CSKT’s Project LAUNCH to host Brazelton Touchpoints training

PABLO — Brazelton Touchpoints Individual Level Training, hosted by CSKT Project LAUNCH Program, will take place Wednesday-Friday, Sept. 6-8, at 36122 Second Street,

North Pablo. Joelfré Grant and Heidi Roibal will facilitate. 

Brazelton Touchpoints is a practical approach for building strong family-child relationships from before birth through the earliest years, laying the vital foundation for children’s early learning and healthy development. 

This training supports professionals in forming strength-based partnership with families. Touchpoints offers opportunities for providers to support parents in understanding their child’s behavior and strengths leading to a stronger emotional bond, which is critical to a child’s development. 

Professionals receive three days of interactive and learner-centered training followed by six months of reflective practice to apply their learning to the everyday interactions with families.

The Brazelton Touchpoints Center collaborates with providers, organizations, institutions, systems of care, and communities who understand that to improve outcomes for children, they must engage more effectively with families. To reach as many families and other caregivers as possible, we work with health and education providers who partner with families during children’s most formative years. 

Go to: to register or if you have questions call 406-250-0442.


Religious education offered in Arlee

ARLEE — Sacred Heart Church in Arlee is offering religious education classes for fourth, fifth and sixth graders in the afternoon on Wednesdays through December. Classes for junior high and high school youth are held in the evenings on Wednesdays. There will be lots of fun and activities. Call 406-726-3540 for more information. Sign-up forms are at the Arlee School.


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