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Postal service needs to be saved

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This is a letter I wrote to Steve Daines: Senator Daines, with considerable dishonesty, President Trump is doing his best to destroy the United States Postal Service. 

Clearly, there are two “reasons” for his attempts. First, he hates Jeff Bezos and knows killing the Postal Service will hurt Mr. Bezos’ business, Amazon. Second, he wants to eliminate the possibility of the “vote by mail” efforts, believing he’ll have more control over the election results and will win re-election in November. To say this is crass is putting it mildly. It’s really criminal, in my opinion. 

Imagine for a moment, if you will, senator, a Montana with no postal service. Rural states in particular would be devastated, and last time I checked, Montana was still pretty rural in nature. 

This is insanity combined with criminality. Please protect the interests of your constituents and work in every possible way against the president’s dysfunctional plans.

Eugene Beckes

St. Ignatius 

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