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St. Ignatius for Oct. 14, 2020

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ST. IGNATIUS — We are having our second sit down dinner at the senior center this evening. The menu includes meat loaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, steamed veggie, fruit, and applesauce cake with topping. We are excited to see our friends and will make every effort to keep all of us safe and healthy. Please observe social distancing, wear masks unless eating or drinking, and have your temperature checked when you come in. And of course, stay for bingo.

Our board meets on Tuesday, Oct. 13, and we will discuss further reopening plans, especially for the upcoming holiday season. I will keep you posted next week.

Our yard sale was very successful. Thank you to all of our marvelous volunteers and bakers. We sold our old delivery car on top of our household items. Our new-to-us delivery vehicle is doing very well.

Meals for the week:

—  Wednesday, Oct. 14: evening meal starts at 5:30 - meatloaf with all the fixings 

—  Friday, Oct. 16: Reuben casserole, spinach salad, fruit and cornbread 

—  Tuesday, Oct. 20: spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, green salad, fruit, cookie

—  Wednesday, Oct. 21: BLT’s, soup, corn, tomatoes, fruit crisp 

Our October meal schedule is still Tuesday and Friday of every week. On the first and third Wednesday of every month lunch is served and a one-time evening meal. Please note, there is no meal delivery for the evening meal. We can do take out; please order the day before.

For our delivery clients, I sent home paperwork to update our records. Thank you to those of you who have filled out and returned the forms. There is not a deadline; however, the Council on Aging, which funds our nutrition program, has asked that we update our records yearly. I decided that the fall would be our time for these updates. This is also a good opportunity to check in with you all in case of any changes in your households.


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