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Big three drive politics

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The big three: greed, fear and anger. It appears these three personal human responses are what is driving our political system.  

Here is a breakdown: the first two responses, greed and fear, apply to our elected Republican congressional folks. The last two responses, fear and anger, apply to the millions in Trump’s voting base. 

Here’s the why: the first two, greed and fear, are what has presently captured many of our elected Republican members of Congress. Trump’s base of voters have gripped and held hostage the vast majority of our present fearful GOP congressional members.  

The last two, fear and anger, are what so strongly appeal to Trump’s base. These millions have listened endlessly to Trump advocating fear and anger. The big three are daily responses to life and are definitely at play in our politics today. Both Trump’s base and many of our elected congressional members are playing following the leader who presently is Donald Trump. 

It seems our nation will be saddled with this as long as Trump is front-and-center in politics. Personally, I think he will fade away simply because he knows he will not win.

Bob McClellan


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