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This is in reference to a letter submitted by another reader, who referenced an opinion piece by Marc Racicot, former Montana Governor, “Donald Trump is wasting our time with comments on Ukraine and NATO.” The title is telling, and my question is: if this is true, as you postulate, why are you wasting your time reading the article and why are you responding to it? You and other Never-Trumpers (recent letters sent by other readers) make Donald Trump a continued presence, yet your conversations and accusations are disingenuous. Trump is your whipping boy, your common theme, and you all march to the same drum, refusing to submit opinions about real issues facing our country and society. 

If you want to claim “character is what matters most,” you should stop cherry-picking your examples to support this claim. Examples of lack of character and morals are, unfortunately, rife across our political landscape on all sides. Or, perhaps, redefine your context of “character.” If character matters above all else, apply the same measuring stick across the board, including the fearless leader of your choice, stop with the ad hominem attacks and strawman arguments and engage in some thoughtful discussions to bring out the true issues that face our country such as overall inflation (i.e., taxation without representation), escalating gas and fuel prices, food insecurity, declining international credibility, a potential world war, escalating crime, open borders, women’s rights … Why not get creative and offer some ideas to resolve some of these issues rather than continuing to hash out your same excuse of “Trump is a waste of time?” Why don’t we try to start at the grass roots level and try to resolve issues that affect most of us at the low/middle class level? If the name of Trump is so triggering, stop bringing it up and write about issues that matter.

Dorothy Ashcraft



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