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PHS Booster Club boosts support for students

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News and Photos  from the Polson School District

POLSON — The Polson High School Booster Club is an organization formed to enhance extracurricular activities and enrich students’ overall school experience. It is comprised of parents, staff members, community members, and local business owners who all share the same vision of supporting school athletes and competitors. It provides fundraising, financial assistance, and countless hours of volunteer support for extracurricular events and activities. The Booster Club is an integral component of high school athletics and is currently headed by Polson High School paraprofessional Pam Carruth. She is a driving force who has been involved with Booster for eight years and its president for the past five years. “The Booster Club is made up of a great group of people who want to give back to kids,” said Carruth.

The Booster Club sponsors two major fundraising events each year. The first is a cornhole contest held in August. “It is a great way to get people back in the swing of things with athletics and socializing,” said Carruth. This year, it was held at Riverside Recreation, which generously helped sponsor it. Attendees participated in a double-elimination cornhole tournament and received a tasty barbeque meal. At the conclusion of the contest, the custom Polson Pirate cornhole boards were raffled off.

Additionally, Booster sponsors an annual dinner and auction in March at the Elks Lodge. In preparation for this event, each extracurricular team goes out into the community, seeks service and product donations, and neatly packages them up into a themed basket, which is then auctioned off at the dinner. The senior athletes and competitors assist with the event by providing bussing and hosting services. Thereafter, they are individually recognized for their contributions to their respective sports and activities. Last year, Anderson Broadcasting radio personality, Brian Miskimins, volunteered his time as the auctioneer and added another layer of excitement to the gala gathering.

Raised funds go directly to the athletic and activities program and are used for various sporting and extracurricular reasons. Notably, the funds helped renovate the high school weight room, including the purchasing of several new squat racks. This renovation benefited the school athletes and provided more strength training opportunities for physical education classes and student open gym time. Also, they help decrease the stress and burden of students and families who may not have the resources to pay for expenses associated with participation in extracurriculars. “Polson activities and athletics have garnered success in large part because of the contributions made by the booster club. With their contributions to equip and financially support our students, it has allowed our teams and organizations to focus on what is important: practice and performance of their activity,” said Athletic Director Ethan Bucarey.

And the Booster Club sells Polson Pirate swag. Pirate gear is sold at every varsity home game and online on PHS’s Facebook page. 

The Booster Club and its members provide essential support that helps create a positive experience for Polson students. If you are interested in being part of the “Booster team,” please email Pam Carruth at 

“We are always looking for new members who are willing to volunteer and promote Polson Pirate spirit!” said Carruth. 

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