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Weltz snags first at State

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BUTTE – Pirate Andrew Weltz landed 43-03.50 in the triple jump giving him a gold medal and top spot on the podium for Polson at the State track and field meet in Butte Friday and Saturday. Weltz was the lone first placer for Polson but Jacob Clairmont added to the Pirates’ 10th place team score of 17 by taking fourth in the long jump, leaping 20-05.75 and placing sixth in both the 110 and 300 meter hurdles. Austin Corrigan grabbed sixth in discus.

For the girls Lady Pirates Claudia Hewston and Mariah Corrigan fared the best each placing fourth in their event. Hewston came in with a time of 2:23.98 to take fourth in the 800 meter and Corrigan finished in the four spot in javelin, tossing 120-09. Madison Wheeler placed sixth in the 300 meter hurdles and Lady Pirate relay team finished in sixth in 1,600 meter. The Lady Pirates finished 10th overall with a team score of 10.



Team scores: Hamilton 64, Corvallis 62, Whitefish 58, Stevensville 45, Belgrade 36, Lewistown 36, Glendive 35, Frenchtown 30, Dillon 28, Livingston 20, Polson 17, Miles City 16, Butte Central 15, Laurel 14, Anaconda 14, Browning 12, Billings Central 11, Columbia Falls 9, Sidney 5.


Team scores: Corvallis 129.5, Belgrade 80, Whitefish 63, Dillon 62, Sidney 32, Hamilton 28.50, Columbia Falls 28, Hardin 25, Livingston 13, Lewistown 12, Frenchtown 10, Polson 10, Glendive 10, Havre 9, Stevensville 8, Miles City 6, Laurel 

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