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Toys for Tots starts annual fundraising, toy drives

‘Year of excitement’ for new coordinator

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POLSON — Franz McLaren is excited about Toys for Tots.

McLaren, 66, moved to Polson 18 months ago and helped with a “street drive” last year.

This year he was recruited to take over for Mauri Morin, 83, of Ronan, who had served as project coordinator for eight years.

“It was time for some fresh blood,” Morin said.

He noted that the Marine Corps League Hellroaring Detachment of retired Marines has been coordinating the Toys for Tots campaign in Lake County for 15 years.

The detachment gets help from Share the Spirit and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes in distributing toys to needy youth.

“We get a tremendous amount of help from businesses and people,” McLaren said.

Last year, some 3,000 children were recipients of about 7,000 toys.

The detachment tries to make sure each child gets two gifts and a stocking stuffer.

Toys will be distributed from Dec. 9-22 by Share the Spirit, while CSKT will distribute Dec. 21-22.

Although he’s excited about coordinating the local Toys for Tots fundraising and toy drives, McLaren said that “every Marine’s been involved at some time in his life. I’ve got some big shoes to fill.”

McLaren, who came to Polson to visit and ended up moving here, married Mary Ann McLaren on June 25, so this is a year of excitement for him.

“I fell in love with the place,” he said, noting that a planned twoweek visit from Orange County, California, turned into permanent move.

Toys for Tots will hold a fundraising “street drive” in Polson on Dec. 10. A gift wrap fundraiser will be held Dec. 17-18 from noon to 7 p.m. at Murdoch’s Ranch & Home Supply, 170 Heritage Lane, Polson. Polson Youth Soccer members will be on hand to wrap gifts for those who would like help with the holiday ritual.

Toy collection boxes have been placed in businesses from St. Ignatius to Big Arm for those who would like to drop off gifts that are new and not wrapped. To find locations, go to

Parents of children who would like to receive gifts can sign up at the Lake County Office of Public Assistance, 49627 Highway 93, Polson.

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