Workers at COA dinner appreciated
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RONAN — Sorry that the column didn’t get in the papers last week. I’d like to blame it on the computer, but I really can’t. I guess that I am going to have to start paying attention to what buttons I punch.
Thanks to all who worked so hard on the Council on Aging’s dinner and dance last Saturday. Your hard work is appreciated.
Cards were played on Oct. 15, with 17 people present. Rose McBurney provided the lunch, Verna Krantz had the high score, Ruby Mocabee had the low score, Anita Seifert had the most pinochles, and Deanna B. won the door prize. The group has switched to their winter hours, and now meet at 1 p.m.
Representatives from the New West Insurance Agency will come to discuss any changes you might need to make on your Medicare supplemental insurance. There will be someone here this Friday and again on Monday, Nov. 5 and Monday, Nov. 26. You may also call the COA, at (406) 676-2367, and they can help you.
We have been having bingo after lunch on Fridays and the ladies sure have a good time. Feel free to come on in and join them.
Our birthday dinner is Friday, Oct. 26, at noon. We will serve a great roast beef meal and the band will be here for some great music.
Menu for the week:
• Wednesday, Oct. 24: chili
• Friday, Oct. 26: roast beef dinner
• Monday, Oct. 29: Brunswick stew
• Wednesday, Oct. 31: ham and scalloped potato casserole
Remember: politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They both should be changed regularly, and for the same reason.