POLSON – Once the new clubhouse is complete, the Boys and Girls Club of Lake County and the Flathead Reservation will be able to serve more than 200 children at their new facility, up from 40, the capacity of their current Polson site. The new clubhouse, being built across the street from the Polson Middle School on the corner of 17th Avenue W and 2nd Street W, is on schedule according to Boys and Girls Club Executive Director Aric Cooksley. “The construction is coming along really well,” said Cooksley. “The good weather has allowed the project to stay on track.” The near yearlong construction project that began with a groundbreaking ceremony back in e...
News from Montana Census 2020 MONTANA – Having good data is the cornerstone of good decision making in public health. Without an accurate population count, the resources, infrastructure and care practices that Montana depends on could be at risk. The Census helps determine how hundreds of billions...
News from CSKT FLATHEAD INDIAN RESERVATION – Spring debris burning season will open Sunday, March 1. Burning is a great way to clear dead vegetation and clean up. Before lighting piles or grass this spring, people need to take the necessary precautions to ensure the burn does not become ...

PABLO – The science laboratory at Salish Kootenai College was recently filled with elementary students, all of whom had their eyes glued to their microscopes as they counted the number of heartbeats Daphnia, or water fleas, had for 20 seconds. This science experience emphasized that resea...
MCDONALD LAKE – The ice started to crack as a man stood on McDonald Lake during the late evening of Monday, Feb. 24. According to Lake County Sheriff Don Bell, the ice completely broke and the man fell through into the cold water at around 10:45 p.m. The man’s name isn’t being r...

MONTANA — For the past year, concertgoers headed to downtown Missoula’s Wilma Theatre have passed Rocky Mountain Relief, a medical marijuana dispensary next door to the venue and across the street from a new hotel. If Montanans pass one of several ballot initiatives this November to legalize a...
BOZEMAN — A Montana State University biotechnology researcher was part of an international team that recently discovered an internal mechanism, which may protect human cells from oxidative damage. The discovery could lead to strides in understanding many problems associated with aging and some...
RONAN — We have had a few days when we can see spring is not far away but Mother Nature may still hold a few surprises for us. The monthly board meeting for Ronan Senior Center will be held on Friday, March 6, at 9:30 a.m. The monthly evening meal will be held on Thursday, March 12, a...
POLSON — In today’s world we may sometimes feel that we don’t make a difference. Just remember that an avalanche is made up of individual snowflakes. Your input does matter. Make sure you are registered to vote. Tai chi is practiced every Tuesday and Thursday from 10-11 a.m. Exercise cla...
ST. IGNATIUS — How do you fix a broken tomato? ... With tomato paste. AARP will teach a Safe Driving Class on Friday, May 8, from 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Call the center to get signed up at 406-745-4462. Bingo is played after almost every lunch. Meals can be delivered to qualified sen...