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St. Ignatius seniors for April 19,2023

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ST. IGNATIUS — Believe it or not, we had a big brown bear in our yard last week. So, keep your bird feeders protected and your garbage put away.

The St. Ignatius Senior Center Indoor Yard Sale will take place on April 28 and 29 from 10 a.m.-4. p.m. Donations are welcome. We are looking for an assistant cook. If you are interested in this position, call 406-745-4462 and leave a message.

Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy a meal with us on the following days:

—  Friday, April 14: beef cornbread casserole, coleslaw, Jell-O/fruit, rice Krispie bars

—  Tuesday, April 18: Mexican chicken bake, fruit, blueberry muffins, cottage cheese 

—  Wednesday, 19: smothered pork, mashed potatoes/gravy, Watergate salad, rolls, lemon bars

—  Friday, April 21: soup, sandwiches, green salad, fruit, cherry pie bars

If you are interested in a take-out meal, please call 406-745-4462 by 10 a.m. and leave a message. 

Mark your calendars for the Women for Wellness event on May 18, from 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at SKC College. This event provides a lot of information, testing and interaction.

The Foot Hill Club meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. for snacks and cards.

Gently Yoga will resume on March 29. If you are interested in this class, call Bonnie Kiser at 406-2253-0171. Her rates are five sessions for $60.

Tax help is available by dropping your papers off at the center and they will be picked up and taken to the Polson Seniors Center and completed by AARP preparers.

May 12 and 13 we will hold our Mother’s Day Bake Sale and Mother’s Day Raffle. Please mark your calendars for these two events.

Our St. Ignatius Senior Center is available for renting. If you are interested, please call 406-745-4462 and leave a message. We will call you back with the information you need.

The senior center has a computer that is available for use by the public. If you are interested in using the computer, come in on Tuesday or Friday between 10 a.m.-1 p.m. or call and leave a message. We will return your call.


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