Articles with the Tag: Lake County Planning Board
News from Lake County Planning LAKE COUNTY — Lake County seeks volunteers to serve on the Board of Adjustment. One member vacancy and two alternate member vacancies are currently open until filled. This board hears and decides on zoning-related issues such as conditional uses, vari...
POLSON — On April 12, the Board of Adjustments held a meeting to approve or deny the variance request of Vertical Bridge Development, LLC, and the possible construction of a cell tower to be placed on the International RV lot by Paradise Pines on Finely Point. Advocates said that the construction of th...
On Nov. 10, the Lake County Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to consider adopting the newly revised Lakeshore Protection Regulations (LPRs). As citizens commented, it became clear that there appeared to be a lack of understanding of the LPRs, its purpose, how it came about and what it meant for l...

POLSON – A document regulating development in rural Lake County for more than a dozen years will now be considered advisory with the rules no longer set in stone. “This won’t be as good as some think or as bad as others believe it will be,” Commissioner Dave Stipe said. Lake County Co...

POLSON – The Lake County Planning Board, tasked with giving the county’s governing body recommendations, voted on their official opinion concerning the Density Map and Regulations during a meeting on Wednesday, April 11. The DMRs are currently used to guide growth and development for rur...
News from Land Solutions, LLC POLSON — A quick update from Wednesday night’s Lake County Planning Board meeting: The public hearing on the proposed Growth Policy has been continued to Wednesday, April 18, at 6 p.m. in the large conference room of the Lake County Courthouse. At the end of Wed...

LAKE COUNTY – The Lake County Density Map and Regulations are one step closer to being used as advisory documents in growth planning instead of being regulatory in the county. The documents impact land use decisions for private property. Lake County Commissioners unanimously passed a resolutio...