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New date set for jail levy vote

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LAKE COUNTY – Lake County Commissioners voted Thursday afternoon to move the Criminal Justice Facilities-Operations mill levy mail-in vote to Jan. 28, 2020. The vote was considered for an earlier date.

The purpose of the date change is to satisfy a Montana State statute that requires an 85-day waiting period between adoption of a final mill levy resolution and the election date of the levy. 

According to Kate Stinger, executive administrative assistant for the commissioners’ office, the mail-in election ballots will be mailed out on Jan. 8, 2020. 

If approved by voters, the mill levy will provide funding for a new 100-bed facility and the anticipated additional operational cost associated with the new facility.

The fiscal impact for homeowners is estimated to be $50.40 per year on a home with a market value of $100,000; $100.79 per year on a home with a market value of $200,000 and $201.59 per year on a home with a market value of $400,000 according to county documents.

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