Briefs for Dec. 22, 2021
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Follow the ‘Penguin Path’
FLATHEAD RESERVATION — Families are invited to one or all of the Penguin Path Stations location at the North Lake County Public Library in Polson, the McDonald Event Center at Salish Kootenai College, the fairgrounds in Ronan, the Boys and Girls Teen Club, (76 Third Ave.), in St. Ignatius and the Hanging Art Gallery in Arlee. All stations are open on Dec. 22 from 4:30-7 p.m.
Get Penguin Passport stamps to enter for prize drawing held at 7 p.m. at each stop. Each stamp earns one ticket. You need not be present at the drawing to win. These events are free
and open to everyone.
Over $90K awarded to support Montana Law Enforcement
U.S. SENATE — On Dec. 8 Senator Steve Daines announced that $94,012 will be awarded to the MT Department of Corrections to support Project Safe Neighborhood, an initiative that works to reduce violent crime in Montana communities.
“Across Montana, our communities are seeing a rise in crime. We must do whatever we can to support Montana law enforcement in their efforts to target and reduce violent crime, and keep Montana families and communities safe,” Daines said.
FWP seeks trapper education instructors
MONTANA — Every year, a new generation of trappers takes to the mountains and plains of Montana. Those new trappers need training and instruction, not only for safety and ethics, but also on how to truly enjoy the outdoor experience. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks needs volunteer instructors for the new Trapper Education Program across the state. Beginning in the 2022 trapping season, Montana will require aspiring trappers to complete a mandatory trapper education program.
“We are excited to offer this brand-new education program,” said Wayde Cooperider, outdoor skills and safety supervisor for FWP. “Our goal for trapper education is to impart the knowledge and skills to be an ethical, safe, legal, responsible and humane trapper.”
Just like Montana’s Hunter and Bowhunter Education Programs, the heart of the Trapper Education Program will be a corps of dedicated volunteer trapper instructors.
“These instructors will stand as examples of how each trapper should demonstrate ethics, behavior, and responsibility to themselves, landowners, other outdoor users and the resource,” Cooperider said.
Many instructors say there is no greater reward than hearing a former student tell the story of their first successful trapping or hunting experience.
Those interested in applying can visit:, or can call Cooperider at 406-444-9947 for more details and an application.
Wolf trapping to open in northwest Montana
NW MONTANA — After monitoring grizzly bear activity in the area, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks recommends opening Wolf Management Unit 121 for wolf trapping in northwest Montana. WMU 121 contains a portion of the Cabinet-Yaak Grizzly Bear Recovery Zone.
FWP biologists have been monitoring grizzly bear activity with a variety of methods since early November. This includes monitoring collared grizzly bears, sightings of bears in the field, weather assessments and reports from the public. Based on the best available information in WMU 121, local biologists recommend opening wolf trapping for that unit.
However, trappers need to be aware that grizzly bears could still be active and should avoid any area where bear sign is observed.