Ice fishermen rendezvous kicks off Co-op event season
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RONAN — The Ronan Cooperative Brewery is starting their 2023 season of street closure events with a gathering for experienced and beginner ice fishermen on Feb. 17.
The idea of brewery member and ice fisherman Craig Dulmes, the community is invited to bring icehouses to the brewery to set up alongside the street for the second ever Icehouse Rendezvous. With a gathering of experienced ice fishermen to compare setups and equipment, Co-op General Manager Jim Myers mentioned it’ll also be a great opportunity for those beginning or interested in the sport to ask questions and get advice on different ways of getting started.
With chili bread bowls, music, a fire pit and cornhole boards, Myers said the rendezvous will have something for everyone.
The event also marks the start of the brewery’s street closure season, which will go into full swing as the weather begins to warm. The fireman’s barbecue, car show, pollinator week, and anniversary party were all things the brewery held last year that Myers said they’re looking to do once again. “(The events) seem to do a really good job of bringing everybody together and downtown,” he commented.
The next street closure event will take place just two weeks after the rendezvous in the form of the Annual Member Meeting. A combination of a party and a policy meeting, those of the over 500 brewery members who attend will be able to vote in the board elections and give their input on any policy presented. “It is an important meeting as we’re looking at how to get more activity in the taproom and on Main Street,” Myers said.
Anyone interested in running for the board elections must be a member, but memberships are always open and available at $250 per person. Myers said those interested can either inquire in the brewery or online at:
Beyond the big events, things are warming back up in the Co-op along with the weather. Myers explained they’ll be bringing back trivia, local food, and live music with the Western Montana Musician’s Co-op. A few new beers will be on tap in the next several weeks, including a Czech Dark, their Dunkles Bach, and a Czech-style Pilsner.
To stay up to date on the events coming to the Co-op this spring, visit their social media site at: