Arlee’s ‘Friends’ continue to donate
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Recently, the Friends of Arlee Schools, Inc. have been able to give money to the Arlee schools in the form of equipment and classroom supplies not covered by the school’s budget. In December, teachers were asked to submit applications detailing what they need in their classrooms. The Friends board distributed about $200 per teacher request, totaling about $5,000 overall.
The Friends of Arlee Schools, Inc. is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. For the past 12 years, the Friends have given about $60,000 in teacher grants and about $100,000 in scholarships to Arlee graduating seniors.
The world-famous Buttercup Run kicks off our spring fundraising drive. So dust off those running shoes and open your wallets so the grants and scholarships can continue. Much of the foundation money we have received has almost been depleted due to low financial returns of the past four years, forcing the group to use its principal funds to carry on its mission.
For more information, visit or email Joe Weydt at Other board members include Roger Christopher, Kathy Dunham, Tony Hoyt, Mary Stranahan, Cherie Garcelon, Sylvia McDonald and Merrill Bradshaw.