Articles with the Tag: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

News from MT Fish, Wildlife & Parks KALISPELL — Montana’s only native rainbow trout is making a comeback in the northwest corner of the state. Rainbow trout are common throughout much of our state due to widespread stocking. However, most of the places rainbow trout exist today ...
News from Energy Keepers Inc. POLSON — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers removed the remaining flood control restrictions on Flathead Lake Levels at the end of May clearing the way for the lake to reach full pool of 2,893 feet. Energy Keepers Inc. managers will continue with historically low outflo...
News from Robert Mc Donald, Energy Keepers Inc. POLSON — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) approved another request from Energy Keepers, Inc (EKI) to deviate from the Flood Risk Management Plan by allowing for higher Flathead Lake levels on Memorial Day. This is the second deviation driven ...

News from Energy Keepers, Inc POLSON — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) approved a request from Energy Keepers, Inc (EKI) to deviate from the Flood Risk Management plan by allowing for a higher spring lake level than usual. Typically, each spring, the water level is taken down to 2883&rsqu...