Explore Pacific Island birds
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POLSON —”Exploring Mountain Birds on Pacific Islands” by Dr. Chris Filardi will be the next Mission Mountain Audubon program on Thursday, April 23 at 7 p.m. in the Polson Library Meeting Room.
Studies of Pacific island birds have inspired some of the most influential scientific theory of our time. Much of the data underlying this theory were gathered nearly a century ago on world-renowned expeditions. Despite the scientific discoveries of earlier expeditions, numerous upland areas remain poorly studied and are under increasing threats from timber extraction and mining activities.
Filardi’s slide presentation will discuss the role of contemporary ornithological expeditions focused on tropical island birds found in only one place and nowhere else in the world. Chris’s research provides practical scientific and symbolic opportunities to improve regional conservation efforts for currently under-studied and threatened high-elevation Pacific Island ecosystems.
Filardi is the Director of Pacific Programs at the Center for Biodiversity and Conservation with the American Museum of Natural History in New York.