Family reading program to begin at North Lake County Public Library
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By Kendra Mullison, Youth Services Librarian
POLSON — What makes a hero? Readers of all ages are invited to stop by North Lake County Public Library between June 8 and Aug. 7 to register for the popular Family Summer Reading Program. This year’s theme is heroes and heroism. Children will learn how “Every Hero Has a Story,” while teens will “Unmask” their inner heroes and adults will “Escape the Ordinary” by diving into some fresh reads this summer.
Anyone who reads — or enjoys being read to — is welcome to participate. Readers of all ages can register at the library in Polson during working hours starting at 10 a.m. on Monday, June 8, and ending at 4 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 7. Participants will be eligible to enter into raffle drawings for many exciting theme-related prizes, and will receive reading incentives courtesy of our many wonderful community sponsors.
Infants and toddlers can rely on Mother Goose Mondays to continue through the summer every Monday at 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., and 12- through 16-year-olds are encouraged to kick back and talk shop at our Youth Writing Club on Thursdays at 1 p.m., starting June 11. School-aged children are invited to join us for weekly Thursday morning programs, beginning on June 11 with a visit from Jill Simpson of the Mission Valley Animal Shelter.
Other events will include a film showing downtown, courtesy of Polson Theatres; a trip next door to talk with the Polson Fire Department; and a conversation with Emergency Room Physicians Assistant Tim Thornton. We will wrap up the program with our celebratory Prize Drawing Day — an ice cream social — on Thursday, Aug. 13 at the library. Participants need not be present to win, but several mystery prizes will be given away to those who attend, along with many delicious frozen treats.
Children age 5 and above may register for a free library card at the circulation desk. Youth under the age of 18 need a parent or guardian to sign in order to receive a new card. Please call North Lake County Public Library in Polson at 406-883-8225 or stop by if you have any questions.