Lottery chances available for trophy bison hunt on Blackfeet Reservation
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News from Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
HELENA – Those interested in entering a lottery for a guided trophy bison hunt on the Blackfeet Reservation will have five opportunities to enter the drawing.
Chances sold from Oct. 28 to Nov. 16, drawing Nov. 17
Chances sold from Nov. 18 to Dec. 14, drawing Dec. 15
Chances sold from Dec. 16 to Jan. 4, drawing Jan. 5
Chances sold from Jan. 6 to Feb. 1, drawing Feb. 2
Chances sold Feb. 3 to Feb. 28, drawing Feb. 29
Chances are $10 each, and hunters can purchase up to 20 chances. The lottery is open to all hunters – tribal members, nonmembers, Montana residents and nonresidents. Winners must pay the Blackfeet Fish and Wildlife Department $2,500 within one week of successful draw to secure the hunt. If more than 250 chances are sold through the lottery, the license will be free to the winning hunter. Successful hunters can keep the bison’s head, hide and meat.
To enter the drawing, go to:
For more information, contact the Blackfeet Fish and Game Department at 406-338-7207 or visit: