Some tribal lands closed for spring
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The Tribal Wildland Recreation Program would like to remind the public of upcoming spring closures that are part of the 2013-14 fishing, bird hunting and recreation regulations.
The entire Mission Mountains Tribal Wilderness Area is closed to all livestock use between March 1 and June 30. This spring closure includes all pack and riding stock.
“This annual stock closure is critical to minimize impacts to wilderness trails during spring runoff when the trails can be damaged by stock use,” said Les Bigcrane, Wildland Recreation Program Manager.
Additional closures include prohibiting the use of motorized boats on Flathead River and Dog Lake from March 15 to June 30, with the exception of boats powered by electric trolling motors. This closure is for the protection of nesting waterfowl.
All dogs in the Kicking Horse Reservoir area and posted Wildlife Mitigation Areas must be on a leash and under the direct and physical control of a person during the period of April 1 through July 15 of each year. The Kicking Horse area is defined as all tribal lands within a mile radius of the high-water line of Kicking Horse Reservoir. The use of electronic collars does not constitute direct or physical control nor does it constitute a leash.
For more information on seasonal closures contact Les Bigcrane or Germaine White, Natural Resources Department, at (406) 883-2888. Natural Resources Department office hours are Monday through Thursday, 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.