Articles Written By: Carrie Pichler

ST. IGNATIUS – The Bulldogs madeø the crowd scream on their home turf after hosting a couple of meets this past week. After picking up a Divisional victory last season and Bulldogs capturing quick pins thus far, the Mission-Charlo team is looking to reclaim the throne and maybe se...

ARLEE — The Warriors are riding a perfect season, ripping through competition with a fury and outsmarting even the best of them when it comes to court play. After placing second in Districts last season and a third place in the Divisional tournament — barely missing out on a St...

With temperatures hovering in the chilly teens and ice covering the path, 44 runners turned out to race in the second annual “Sorry ‘Bout That” half marathon, hosted by Polson Running. Claiming top honors in the 13.1 mile run was Jason Delaney, who crossed the finish line first with a ti...

POLSON – With only three seniors on the roster and a tough “O-for” on the season, the Lady Pirates have kept chins up and have used each game as a learning tool to gain experience, bringing the young bench closer to victory. While starting out with what Head Coach Jay Krantz ca...

RONAN – With 24 teams and approximately 1,041 matches, Ronan’s Event Center was abuzz with eager Western Montana grapplers rumbling the house with excitement in the two-day event on Friday and Saturday. With both duals and mixer events, wrestlers from around the west side took to the mats to p...

POLSON – Armed with positive words and a “we can do this” attitude, a young group of skateboarders is coming together with a mission to expand the Polson Skatepark — not for themselves, but for the next generation of kids aiming to learn the sport. Built in 2006 by Dreamland ...

RONAN – Athletes, cheerleaders and coaches dressed in “itchy-hot” uniforms pulled out of a closet of the past, the Maidens skipped playing on Ronan Event Center’s shiny new floor Dec. 22, instead planting their sneakers in the old high school gym for a night of “throwback”...

Two Eagle River’s Lady Eagles are proving to be an unstoppable force as they open the hoops season steamrolling their way through opponents with crushing fierceness. Under the guidance of a new coach and with the point hound duo of Casadi Wunderlich and Tyra Michel, the Lady Eagles show al...

MISSION VALLEY – The valley was abuzz with basketball frenzy Friday and Saturday as teams from Stillwater Christian and Eureka met Mission and Charlo, opening up the season with a blast of court action. With both Charlo and Mission hosting, teams were split with the girls playing in Missio...

POLSON — Class AA-B/C wrestlers from all over western Montana met in a battle on the mats, opening the season with a bang as Polson hosted its annual invite Saturday, bringing wrestlers and fans to Polson Middle School in droves with an agenda of picking up wins. Along with the Pirates, valle...