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Articles with the Tag: Flathead Lake Biological Station

New Flathead Lake maps available

YELLOW BAY — The Flathead Lake Biological station has created a Flathead Lake map available with detailed and accurate geographic information that also captures the aesthetic beauty of the lake and surrounding area.  The maps are $20 each, 24 inches by 36 inches in size, and proceeds benefit th...

Flathead Lake due for a Tsunami Flathead Lake due for a Tsunami

Adapted from an  article by Tom Bansak, Research Scientist, Flathead Lake Biological Station    YELLOW BAY — Did you know that a tsunami is possible in Flathead Lake? According to the Bio Station’s physical lake ecologist, Dr. Mark Lorang, yes, it is in fact possible. ...

Stanford to give last State of the Lake Report

News from Flathead Lakers LAKESIDE — Flathead Lakers members and friends will gather to celebrate Flathead Lake and clean water at the Lakers’ annual meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 18 at the Glacier Camp and Conference Center near Lakeside. Members of the public are welcome to attend. Native plan...

Biostation data valuable to managing future of Flathead Lake

YELLOW BAY – A sophisticated modeling system used by University of Montana researchers at the Flathead Lake biological station could play a key role in the lake’s future.  In a talk June 29 Researcher Shawn Devlin told the audience that he has been working with the model, which is seeing ...


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