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Articles with the Tag: Hot Springs

Sanders County holds first COVID-19 testing event Sanders County holds first COVID-19 testing event

By Rob Zolman / Valley Journal HOT SPRINGS – Sanders County area resident Tammy Beerntsen waited in a steady line of cars Thursday morning for the opportunity to participate in a free drive-thru COVID-19 testing event held at the Hot Springs rodeo grounds.  “I wanted to come down to ma...

Rodeo fans enjoy homesteader tradition Rodeo fans enjoy  homesteader tradition

HOT SPRINGS – Every second weekend in June for the past 70 years, the town of Hot Springs has hosted a celebration in honor of the original homesteaders who first started plowing up the dirt in the area back in the late 1890s.  The tradition continued this year, although the festivities looked ...

Franks takes plea agreement on assault charges

A Polson woman, formerly of Hot Springs, had her imposition of sentencing deferred for three years. The action stems from charges of aggravated assault and drug possession.  Evelyn Josephine Franks, 27, entered into a plea agreement at District Court in Polson on April 9. One count of criminal posses...

Local golf course appreciated

A Hot Springs woman who admitted to biting another woman’s eye and possessing methamphetamine pled guilty to aggravated assault and criminal possession of dangerous drugs at Lake County District Court in Polson on April 9. According to court records, the assault victim told investigators that on Jul...

HOT SPRINGS – With a thunderous kaboom from a homemade cannon, the small community of Hot Springs said goodbye to the Year of the Pig and welcomed in the Year of the Rat during their eighth annual parade and celebration of the Chinese New Year on Saturday afternoon. “I’ve been here every...

Small wildland fire burns near Hot Springs Small wildland fire burns near Hot Springs

HOT SPRINGS – The Mission Valley made it through what is normally the hottest, driest periods of the summer with relatively few burns, although a small fire did start last week. The Welcome 1002 fire started on Sept. 2 and grew to 60 acres. The fire slowly burned grass and timber 2.5 miles southwest...

Hot Springs celebrates 70th Homesteader Days Hot Springs celebrates 70th Homesteader Days

HOT SPRINGS – During the 70th annual Homesteader Days Celebration wind gusts whipped down Main Street, something the original homesteaders would probably know a lot about.  According to Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce records, the event is held the second weekend in June to honor the original h...

Bone-chillin' fun Bone-chillin' fun

HOT SPRINGS – Despite temperatures hovering just slightly above zero degrees, shivering spectators lined Main Street on Saturday to celebrate the Chinese New Year with a community parade. Organizers estimated a crowd of 200 chilled celebrators who turned out to welcome in the Year of the Pig. &ldquo...

CSKT reminds people of seasonal land closures

News from CSKT FLATHEAD INDIAN RESERVATION — Dan McClure, chief of the Tribal Conservation Program, announces the posting and enforcement of the following seasonal closure. The Ferry Basin Wildlife Management Unit’s tribally owned lands are closed to all recreational access and use by non...

MontanaPBS restores service in area

News from PBS FLATHEAD INDIAN RESERVATiON – MontanaPBS is pleased to announce the restoration of over-the-air public television service in the communities of Pablo, Polson, Ronan, Hot Springs, St. Ignatius and Arlee.  In the past year, MontanaPBS has been working cooperatively with Salish Ko...

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