Articles with the Tag: methamphetamines

The myth of meth is that following the crackdown on over-the-counter ingredients in 2005, things got better in Montana. But on the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation, people will tell you different. Here it never really went away. “Getting high in your car in front of the store - that ain&rsqu...

Valley Journal POLSON – A Charlo man was sentenced to three years in the Department of Corrections last week for criminal possession of dangerous drugs. Daniel Olin Rosa, 32, was sentenced by Judge James A. Manley as part of a plea agreement. Rosa originally faced a possession with intent to dist...

The courtroom exudes formality. An ornate chandelier looms in the space over Bella Dally. Above it is the intricately detailed ceiling of Judge John Larson’s court. For Dally, this intimidating room with its gold columns and rich wood is a place where she feels welcomed and respected. ...

Lauren Pope struggled with drug addiction for more than a decade. In 2013, things were so bad that she thought getting arrested would be the only way to clean up, so she stole a bottle of Worcestershire sauce from a Rosauer’s in Missoula. “I made sure that that security lady saw...

POLSON – Daniel Olin Rosa, 32, of Charlo, was scheduled to be sentenced for drug possession but didn’t show up to court and now faces bigger problems. Rosa had a plea agreement that called for a three-year commitment to the Department of Corrections. The plea would have dismissed a crimi...

She thought he would make it. He knew a relapse would cost him his four-year-old daughter and again and again he would tell Judy Kelly, “I love her more than anything else in the world.” Ultimately, he went back to using meth and lost custody. “I believe that he was tel...

By Callahan Peel UM School of Journalism Celes Castrol remembers that day in eighth grade when she and her friends discovered the meth pipes in one girl’s parents’ room. Castrol and her friends decided to test them out, and from that point on, Castrol was hooked. She used on and of...

Montana’s Attorney General stood on the steps outside of the Capitol in Helena and announced this state has a problem with drugs. “You know it’s no secret that Montana has a substance abuse problem,” Attorney General Tim Fox said. “Since 1980 drug offense rates in Monta...
On my most recent telephone town hall with 28,000 Montanans, nearly 95 percent agreed that meth is a problem in Montana. Certainly, Barbara from Billings knows this to be true – she shared with me that her son is currently recovering from meth. One third of the record 3,400 children in Montana...

It was a bust made to go viral. Following a 2013 shooting between father and son, Walter White was arrested for meth distribution in Billings. White, who shares his name with the fictional meth dealer from the television program “Breaking Bad,” had been caught after the fight over a $10,...