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Polson senior news for May 3, 2023

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POLSON — May 5 brings us the “mesmerizing flower” full moon. I call it the sneezing pollen allergy moon.


Commodity food for those in need are distributed on a monthly basis. You can help us by recycling your clean and gently used Super One Foods green plastic grocery bags. We use this brand bag only, as they better serve our purposes due to their strength and capacity.

Repurposed cabinets were installed in the “game room” to provide storage for card and board games. We need gently used board games to add to our inventory.


- Thursday early evening may be available for those interested in a weekly “board /card game night.” Call us.  

- Bingo: $100.00 payout on blackout guaranteed! Bingo games Friday at 7 p.m. “Playing Card” Bingo first and third Wednesdays.

- Exercise: Low impact on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10:30-11:30 a.m.

- Pinochle on Thursdays from 12-3 p.m.

- Pool: Open table from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on weekdays.

- Veteran’s Rep: The first Friday (May 5) and third Tuesday (May 16) from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Menu (subject to change): Sit-down or take-out; call before 10 a.m. for delivery. 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. for $5.

Thursday, May 4: Ham and scalloped potatoes, peas, cornbread, spiced apples, cookies

Friday, May 5: Cheeseburger, ranch potato wedges, coleslaw, frosted cake

Monday, May 8: Corn chowder, banana muffins, green salad, chocolate pudding

Tuesday, May 9: Beef enchiladas, refried beans, Frito salad, lemon bars

Wednesday, May 10: BBQ chicken, rice pilaf, green beans, devilish eggs, cake roll 

Thursday, May 11: Hamburger stroganoff, pasta, peas, stewed tomatoes, oranges

Friday, May 12: Hashbrown casserole, link sausage, applesauce, jello, cookies  

We are located at 504 3rd Ave. East and are open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on weekdays. Call 406-883-4735 or email us at

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