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Letters to the Editor

Protect democracy for future generations

Editor, The real danger to our nation and the world is not with Donald Trump and his opinions and actions due to his mental disability. It is with the number of otherwise sensible and well-meaning citizens in our nation who back him, support him, and put political party reverence ahead of what is right for America and the world.      This is the real danger because Donald Trump will not last long as our leader. However, the results of his dangerous attitudes and actions live on unless immediate actions are taken to reverse this dangerous trend.                 What might be those immediate actions? Start the legal and punitive ...

Come to meet, greet for Dr. Al Olszewski

Editor, A meet and greet for Dr. Al Olszewski, candidate for Montana governor, will be held at the Polson VFW upstairs on Friday, March 6 at 6 p.m. Come and join friends and well wishers to support Dr. Al in his bid to become the next Governor of Montana. This is our chance to elect someone who will...

Support should be given for the issue

Editor, President Trump’s mental disorder, narcissism, is a very insidious mental condition and danger to the world. Presidential leadership requires clear thinking and putting the good of the nation ahead of personal power, pride and self-image concerns. Trump’s narcissistic impulses cause...

Birds flock together: why?

Recently, the US Senate saw each political party flock separately. A few outliers eventually rejoined their feathered-tribes. By not doing so, Romney is meeting a fate sometimes found in nature where the group isolates and sometimes destroys one of their own. Humans are animals. We have similarities. What ca...

Valley Views

While no one can begrudge a local government for wanting to protect the interests of their residents, it is a different scenario entirely when they are criticizing the very legislation that will protect their constituents from years of costly litigation and uncertainty. Contrary to claims made by the Lake...

Thanks for the support

Editor, The volunteers of the Mission Valley Food Pantry wish to thank all of the kind people who have helped support us with food and cash donations, and their time and skills throughout the year. Your kindness and generosity are greatly appreciated. Without your support, we could not help as many people...

Let's move forward

Editor, When you have a president whose mental disorder overwhelms every good governing instinct, that nation has problems. I suppose it works in some forms of government, but in the United States, a democracy, no way.  What confounds me is how the media attempts to make news out of practically ev...

Thanks to Lake Bar in Polson

Editor, In the past years Polson Rotary has been supplying burritos to the children and parents attending the kids’ show at the Flathead Lake International Film Cinemafest on Saturday mornings. This year, the Rotary Team prepared 260 burritos, and it would have been difficult if not for the generous...

Consider how dictators come to power

Editor, Why do we need to impeach the president? So we do not become a dictatorship. “A dictatorship is a type of government in which a single person or party has absolute power. This means that the ruler or party has complete control and the rights of the people are suppressed.”  If w...

Appreciation for film festival

Editor, Bravo and hats off to all the energetic people who worked on the FLIC film festival, which ran in Polson recently. All those efforts resulted in a wonderful cultural gift to our community. I was able to catch three intriguing films over the weekend. “Beyond Dreams” told the story of...

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