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Articles with the Tag: North Lake County Public Library

Board works to improve library services

Editor, To North Lake County Public Library readers, although our library has a wide range of services and programs, a fundamental service should consist of having the most recently processed books (fiction and nonfiction), or at least those titles, to be readily accessible to patrons. Toward that end, so...

Tech-savvy library 100 years young Tech-savvy library 100 years young

POLSON — Who is Polson’s most tech-savvy 100-year-old? North Lake County Public Library, that’s who. The library celebrates its centennial this fall, and up-to-date technology has a lot to do with its current focus and popularity. From laptops to e-books, MP3 players to free Facebook cla...

Author discusses first novel, writing habits

“I wanted to write a love story,” author Jamie Ford said in a telephone interview about his 2009 debut novel, “Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet.” A favorite love story of Ford’s is “Casablanca.” Compared with movies and novels today, it’s understat...

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