Articles with the Tag: St Ignatius
ST. IGNATIUS — The aurora borealis was beautiful. We hope you were able to see it. The Women-4-Wellness event is on May 23 at SKC in the Joe McDonald gym. Registration at: This event offers many free screenings, information and give aways. If you would like a takeout meal, call 406-7...
LAKE COUNTY — Extreme cold blasted the area mid-January after a thus far mild winter with snowstorms and temperatures dipping around negative 20. The extreme cold impacted many with frozen equipment and home water pipes, poor road conditions, and for those working in agriculture, livestock increased...
LAKE COUNTY — Community voices rang out together on April 10 and 11 in choir concerts benefiting both the Mission Valley Choral Society and Helping Hands. Helping Hands is a local non-profit that addresses the needs of individuals and families in Lake County. Supported in part by area churches...
ST. IGNATIUS — We have dates for our fall yard sale. It will be held the first weekend in October, Friday, Oct. 1, and Saturday, Oct. 2. There will also be a bake sale on Oct. 1. As we get closer to the sale date, we will let you know when we are ready to accept donations. The menu: ...
ST. IGNATIUS — The St. Ignatius Senior Citizens Center remains closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Take-out noon meals are available on the first and third Wednesdays of each month and every Tuesday and Friday of the month. Anyone wishing to order lunches is asked to call the center at 406-745-4462 by...
ST. IGNATIUS — For now, the Mission Valley Food Pantry will remain open on our regular schedule. Clients will no longer be allowed into the pantry. Rather they will be asked to come to the window to sign in and we will have boxes made up. We will only ask them about fresh and frozen items. There will b...
News from CSKT FLATHEAD LAKE – Flathead Lake trout anglers are working hard to increase their fish totals before the 2018 fall fishing event ends on Nov. 11 at 3:00 p.m. The fish fry for friends and family will begin at 4 p.m. Entries will be taken until the last day of the event. There i...