Articles with the Tag: farming

News from the office of Governor Gianforte HELENA - Governor Greg Gianforte today announced the appointment of Jillien Streit as Director of the Montana Department of Agriculture (MDA). “Jillien Streit comes to this role with a strong background in agriculture and business, ready to advocate fo...

BOZEMAN — An edible blue honeysuckle berry called the haskap has emerged in recent years as a potential new superfood, but little scientific research has been done to investigate how the berries contribute to human health. Now, a research partnership at Montana State University aims to learn more about...
One headline in the Salt Lake Tribune has stirred up the agricultural community across the West. It proclaims that hamburgers and cows are the culprits behind the droughts, and by eating fewer burgers, Americans could save the environment. Sound familiar? Last spring Ireland made international headlines with...
News from the office of Senator Tester U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Jon Tester recently questioned experts during a Senate Banking Committee hearing, pushing for solutions to decreased competition in agricultural markets, and the need for solutions that protect family farm agriculture. Tester beg...
News from USDA BOZEMAN — The U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) today unveiled a new, online Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) Decision Tool and farm loan resources available to agricultural producers and cooperators who help producers access USDA disaster assistance, farm loans and other federa...
From MSU News Service BOZEMAN — The Montana State University Extension Pesticide Education Program, or PEP, has recognized two MSU Extension agents for their exceptional efforts educating agricultural producers, land managers and pesticide applicators across the state and promoting the proper use ...
News from the MT Farm Bureau Federation BOZEMAN — The American Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers Conference brought together more than 900 young farmers and ranchers from across the country to learn, share and grow together to build a stronger Farm Bureau. Eighteen Montana Farm Bureau YF&am...

News from MT Farm Bureau Federation SALT LAKE CITY — Thirty-five Montana Farm Bureau members experienced the venerable 105th American Farm Bureau Convention Jan. 19-24 in Salt Lake City. During the meeting of the country’s largest agricultural organization with the theme “New Frontiers...
Farmers can enroll for 2024 crop year News from USDA WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently announced that agricultural producers can enroll in the Farm Service Agency’s Governor Gianforte appoints locals News from the office of Go...
By Jim Rose, Montana State FFA Advisor INDIANAPOLIS — Montana FFA members recently returned from participation at the National FFA Convention and Expo held in Indianapolis, IN. Approximately 600 Montana students attended the convention where they engaged in competitions, leadership workshops, tour...