Articles Written By: Taylor Davison
RONAN — The Flathead Water Compact board finalized their bylaws during their April 13 meeting and passed their very first resolutions as a board. The first resolution passed by the board was to establish the spending authority limits for the water engineer. Originally in a draft of the bylaws ...

RONAN — The Ronan Chamber of Commerce has announced the first ever Ronan Brewfest will happen this summer on June 24 at the Lake County Fairgrounds. Rumblings of a possible brewfest have gone through the chamber for the last couple of years, with several board members interested. Katie Jo Elli...
HELENA — House Bill 479, sponsored by Ronan representative Joe Read, is on its way to the State Senate after passing a House vote on April 3. HB479 proposes that the State of Montana appropriate $2.5 million to the Department of Justice each year, beginning July 1, to reimburse Lake County for...
I recently introduced a good friend of mine to the original Jurassic Park movie. A film that’s won over 20 awards and is considered by some, (or at least me), to be the epitome of filmmaking, I couldn’t imagine anyone disliking such a classic. “Huh,” she said to me as the cre...

RONAN — Kids big and small turned out in droves despite chilly weather to participate in this year’s Ronan egg hunt on April 1. Put on annually by Mission Mountain Enterprises, a local non-profit that provides community-based services to individuals with intellectual disabilities, Gayle ...
LAKE COUNTY — The Lake County Commissioners voted on March 27 to rescind Resolution of Intent 21-20 regarding the handling of fees related to the Flathead Indian Irrigation Project. R21-20, passed by the commission in 2021, determined that Lake County would cease billing, collecting, and distr...

PABLO — With April designated as “Sexual Assault Awareness Month,” SAFE Harbor and partners are creating a new way to bring awareness and community support to honor survivors. This year they will use beadwork. “We thought about beadwork in the sense that it’s inspiring,...

RONAN — St. Luke Community Healthcare celebrated 70 years this month, a landmark for the community-owned healthcare organization. Opened in March of 1953, St. Luke Hospital was built by Mission Valley residents from the ground up. “I think the community came together back in the late &ls...
MONTANA — In a recent press call, Senator Jon Tester addressed bipartisan bills in the works to support Montana’s law enforcement and measures to be taken to support the mental wellbeing of Montanans. During the week of March 22, Tester backed the “Recruit and Retain Act,&rdqu...
Some friends of mine recently decided to take a family member into their home and as an enthusiast of organizing I’ve been helping them go through their things to make room for the new addition. With the sun out lately, what better time for a spring cleaning? Making room for an entire addition...