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Apply for FWP’s Apprentice Hunter Program

News from FWP MONTANA — It’s never too early to plan ahead for Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Apprentice Hunter Program. FWP encourages early mail-in certification for eligible apprentice hunters in order to avoid crowds and frustration prior to season openers and the youth hunt. COVID-19 safety protocols are in place at FWP offices and lobby space is limited, therefore wait times outside may be long. The “Apprentice Hunter” law allows anyone 10 years of age or older to hunt two license years without completing hunter education. An apprentice hunter may not obtain a big horn sheep, black bear, mountain lion, or wolf license. Montana Fish, Wildlife &...

Flattening the curve on Chronic Wasting Disease

It’s cool this morning. There is a different feel to the air. The days are slowly getting shorter, my bird dogs are getting restless and I am listening for that first bugle of a bull elk down in the river bottom. It’s that time when I, and all hunters, anxiously prepare for the glorious days we s...

Hunters should check for closures

News from Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks MONTANA — Several wildfires are active in Montana, and this can affect land access for hunters in some areas.  Wildfire activity can change rapidly, and some fires may limit public access to roads and areas of public land. Wildfires can also cause...

Volunteers invited to help map stormwater, protect lake

POLSON – When it rains in downtown Polson, the water moves over farmland, streets and rooftops, and much of it eventually ends up in Flathead Lake. The Flathead Basin Commission wants to know how that water moves through the city’s stormwater system, and they’re looking to locals for help. ...

MDT begins implementing new load posting signs on bridges around the state MDT begins implementing new load posting signs on bridges around the state

News from the Montana Department of Transportation  MONTANA – The Montana Department of Transportation has begun implementation of new load posting procedures on public bridges across the state as mandated by the Federal Highway Administration, and as a result, motorists may soon start to not...

FWP joins coalition promoting responsible recreation

News from FWP The Maavel initiative is being led by the Montana Department of Commerce in partnership with 17 convention and visitors’ bureaus and six tourism regions. The campaign promotes safe and responsible behavior among those traveling in the state.  The two efforts focus on educatin...

Clear Creek Fire dwindles after burning 345 acres

News from CSKT Division of Fire PERMA – The Clear Creek Fire began on Wednesday, July 22, and burned 345 acres located 1.5 miles north of the Perma Bridge, along U.S. Highway 382, before settling down with minimal activity. The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes’ Division of Fire rep...

Hwy. construction happening near Charlo

News from the Montana Department of Transportation   CHARLO – Due to a structural failure on a combination irrigation and drainage culvert, approximately five miles south of Charlo, the Montana Department of Transportation began road repair and replacement of this culvert on July 27. The m...

MSU researcher provides tips for viewing NEOWISE comet MSU researcher provides tips for viewing NEOWISE comet

MONTANA — For the next couple weeks, the northern nighttime sky holds a visual treat that’s well worth seeing, according to Montana State University researcher Joe Shaw. The comet known as NEOWISE “is pretty spectacular,” said Shaw, a sky-viewing enthusiast and professor in the Dep...

FWP proposes property acquisition on Flathead Lake

News from Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks KALISPELL — With the goal of increasing public access to one of the most popular lakes in the state, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is seeking approval to purchase nearly 15 acres for a fishing access site. The undeveloped property is one mile east o...

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