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Abortion debacle continues

Editor, The viewing public is inundated with ad after ad after ad urging any sane person to vote for enshrining abortion into the Montana Constitution. What is striking is that the proponents only bring up time, after time, after time that dastardly pro-lifers are cruel and awful human beings for ignoring those who’ve been raped, are victims of incest or the mother’s life is endangered. And that is awful. What they don’t tell you is rape, incest and the health of the mother account for at the outside 5% of the abortions in America. And you know what, they don’t tell you that the vast majority of Americans support a woman’s right to choose abortion under t...

Let’s vote to protect human life

Editor, My Montana education taught me that rights go hand in hand with responsibilities. For instance, the right to vote includes the responsibility to be an informed voter. In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court established a woman’s legal right to abortion. The pivotal question: When does life begin?...

Support Judge Dan Wilson for the Montana Supreme Court

This fall, we have the opportunity to send an experienced and fair-minded judge to the Montana Supreme Court. District Court Judge Dan Wilson has the background, courtroom experience and temperament to be an excellent justice. Prior to serving for the last eight years as a district court judge, he was a pros...

Abortion is already protected

Editor, Proponents of CI-128 frame the initiative as the only way to protect abortion rights. But let’s be clear: Montanans already have strong protections for abortion under our state constitution. Since the Armstrong v. State case in 1999, Montana’s Supreme Court held that the state Constitu...

Platform for the People

Editor, Montana is changing. Freedoms we have taken for granted are being threatened by intolerant political agendas spawned at the national level. The incessant hate and fear dialogue emanating from a relatively small sector of extreme right-wing interests dominates our lives. We are better than this; we...

Support Judge Dan Wilson for the Montana Supreme Court

Editor, As a retired Missoula Municipal Court Judge, I write to ask for your support of District Court Judge Dan Wilson, candidate for the Montana Supreme Court. I have known Judge Wilson for many years, and he embodies the qualities we need on the Supreme Court. His background demonstrates a solid founda...

CI 128 gives blanket immunity for malpractice

Editor, When debating legislation, legislators are always looking for unintended consequences. If you are prolife or prochoice, CI 128 must be a major concern. Hidden in the text of the initiative is language that gives blanket immunity to abortion providers for malpractice, incompetence or outright crimi...

Inspiring thoughts for trying times

Editor, Deviating from my usual style of letters, here’s one that simply offers some inspiring thoughts. Hope you find them meaningful and even perhaps helpful in these present very “trying times” for us all. Offered by Dr. Debasish Mridha of Saginaw, Michigan, a physician, philosophe...

Constitutional initiatives will improve election process

Editor, In November, Montanans will vote on two constitutional initiatives that will improve how elections are conducted. CI126 creates an open primary system. All qualified candidates regardless of party will appear on one ballot, and voters choose a single candidate from that ballot. This system does no...

Vote to protect rural hospitals

Editor, Recently a relative of mine was rushed to the ER in Polson, stabilized, then transported to Missoula a few hours later. Having worked 30 years as an RN, I am well aware how critical, literally, the initial care in our local hospital mattered in terms of outcome. One third of Montana’s pop...

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