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Articles with the Tag: Arlee

Arlee Seniors for Dec. 20 2023

ARLEE — Here it is the last month of 2023. We’ve enjoyed the bounties of Thanksgiving, the friends and families around the table the many stories of the past and, of course, always so much to be thankful for in our lives. Now we are on to preparing for Christmas, which includes, shopping, sending...

Arlee Seniors

ARLEE — Here it is the last month of 2023. We’ve enjoyed the bounties of Thanksgiving, the friends and families around the table the many stories of the past and, of course, always so much to be thankful for in our lives. Now we are on to preparing for Christmas, which includes, shopping, sending...

Ronan Seniors for Dec. 6, 2023

RONAN — The Mission Valley Senior Center is located across from St. Luke’s Hospital. We are open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for lunch and other activities. Our menu: Wednesday, Dec. 6: soup, sandwiches, salad, dessert Friday, Dec. 8: pork ribs, salad, dessert Monday, Dec. 11: coo...

White pleads not guilty to charges related to death of Arlee woman White pleads not guilty to charges related to death of Arlee woman

POLSON — Sunny Kathrinne White pleaded not guilty to charges of vehicular homicide while under the influence (or alternatively – negligent homicide), accidents involving another person or deceased person, two counts of criminal child endangerment, and a count of criminal possession of dangerous d...

Arlee seniors for Nov. 8, 2023

ARLEE — Turn back your clock: fall back - mountain time goes into effect on Sunday Nov. 5. November, the month of falling snow, which means early shoveling - do that easily and watch your heart and health. Make sure you get your flu shots, new Covid boosters and check with your doctor. Then, maybe N...

Arlee CDC celebrates Halloween, harvest, art at community gathering Arlee CDC celebrates Halloween, harvest, art at community gathering

ARLEE — The Arlee Community Development Center put on a Halloween event on Friday, Oct. 27, with food, music and art.  CDC Executive Director Marie Hirsch she shared updates about ongoing CDC projects, including the community garden. Garden For Life efforts span from Elmo to Arlee with six g...

Arlee CDC hosts Halloween open house Arlee CDC hosts Halloween open house

News from Karen Kallestad, Arlee CDC ARLEE — The Arlee Community Development Corporation will host a Halloween open house on Friday, Oct. 27 from 5-7 p.m. The event will feature a Halloween photo booth, a new art display by the Killdeer Artisans Guild, Halloween treats, appetizers, and other refre...

Arlee seniors for Oct. 18, 2023

ARLEE — Happy fall to Arlee Senior Center friends and patrons.  Again, we’re sending out the October menu to tempt you with our culinary delights. We are happy to have meals and enjoy on another’s company. On Mondays and Wednesdays lunch is at noon. On the second and fourth Saturday...

Girl Scouts, Arlee CDC celebrate ‘SuperSheroes’

News from the Arlee Community Development Corporation ARLEE  – The Arlee Community Development Corporation is hosting a SuperShero party with the Girl Scouts of Montana and Wyoming on Thursday, Oct. 5 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Arlee CDC. “A Shero is a female hero or role model who insp...

Spay/neuter clinic provides foundation for healing Spay/neuter clinic provides foundation for healing

PABLO — Nearly 200 cats and dogs were spayed and neutered last weekend during a two-day event sponsored by Arlee Rehabilitation Center’s Spay/Neuter Taskforce. Held in the Joe McDonald gym at Salish Kootenai College, ARC volunteers paired up with veterinarians and vet techs from Spay Montana t...

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