Articles with the Tag: Montana Dept. of Transportation
News from the Montana Department of Commerce HELENA — The Montana Department of Commerce announced today the launch of a new grant program designed to support rural and tribal agricultural businesses and promote economic diversification across the state. The funding is through Commerce’s Agr...
News from the Montana Department of Transportation RAVALLI — The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT), along with construction partner Stillwater Electric, Inc., will begin the installation of safety measures on US Highway 93 (US 93), south of Ravalli. The project begins approximately 1 mile...

News from Sloane Stinson, Montana Dept. of Transportation RONAN — Riverside Contracting, Inc. crews will continue with sign installations next week, including the sign bridge, just north of the intersection of US Highway 93 (US 93) with Adams Ave. SE. This is an overhead support structure that wil...
News from MDOT SOMERS – The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) will be replacing a traffic signal box at the intersection of US Highway 93 (US 93) with Montana Highway 82 (MT 82) the evening of Thursday, June 6 from 7 to 9 p.m., weather and other factors permitting. The stop light...
News from Sloane Stinson, MDT RONAN — The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Riverside Contracting Inc. have the following work planned for May 20 to May 23. All work is dependent on weather and other unforeseen factors. On Round Butte Road, sidewalk work continues east of the railr...
News from the Montana Department of Transportation LAKE COUNTY — The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Riverside Contracting Inc. crews will be finishing up sidewalk work, starting near Dairy Queen then moving to Round Butte Road, starting on the south end of the project and moving we...
News from the Montana Department of Transportation RONAN – The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Riverside Contracting Inc. will resume work on the US Highway 93 (US 93) Ronan-North project. Work will begin with limited milling and paving operations on US 93 from the intersection with...
News from the Montana Department of Transportation RONAN – The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Riverside Contracting Inc. will resume work on the US Highway 93 (US 93) Ronan-North project. Work will begin with limited milling and paving operations on US 93 from the intersection with...

News from Sloane Stinson, MT Dept. of Transportation RONAN — Riverside Contracting Inc. will begin paving operations this week on US Highway 93 (US 93), weather permitting. Paving crews will be onsite Thursday, Oct. 26, through Saturday, Oct. 28, from 6 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. The final layer of pave...

News from Sloan Stinson for the MT Dept. of Transportation RONAN — Riverside Contracting Inc. crews will continue concrete work this week. This includes pouring concrete for property approaches on the southbound couplet, the short segment of roadway connecting 1st Avenue to US Highway 93 (US 93), ...