Articles with the Tag: government

News from the office of Governor Gianforte HELENA — During a press conference at the State Capitol, Governor Greg Gianforte today called for meaningful property tax relief for Montana homeowners. “As you all know, my top priority this session is reducing the burden of rising propert...
News from Montana State Democrats HELENA — On Feb. 6, Senate Democratic Leader Pat Flowers moved to refer the ongoing ethics investigation into Sen. Jason Ellsworth to the Montana Department of Justice. Sen. Flower’s motion also suspended the Senate Ethics Committee’s work pending a de...
News from Montana Department of Commerce HELENA - The Montana Department of Commerce announced recently that it will not reopen applications for the Homeowner Assistance Fund Home Repairs Program. This temporary program was established to assist in home repairs of low-income households. Funding will be ...

News from the office of Governor Gianforte HELENA - Governor Greg Gianforte and Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform held a press conference at the State Capitol on Jan. 30, to discuss his proposals to reduce Montana’s income tax rate and to deliver permanent property tax relief for homeown...

The right to private property is one of the fundamental aspects of life in America, and the Constitution makes sure to establish this. Following that example, the drafters of Montana’s State Constitution included safeguards for private property as well, with ownership and protection of property appeari...
News from the Governor’s Office of Community Service HELENA — The Governor’s Office of Community Service (GOCS) has announced it is accepting nominations for the annual ServeMontana Awards. In partnership with Montana’s Credit Unions, these awards recognize Montana citizens wh...
News from the Governor’s Office of Community Service HELENA — The Governor’s Office of Community Service (GOCS) has announced it is accepting nominations for the annual ServeMontana Awards. In partnership with Montana’s Credit Unions, these awards recognize Montana citizens wh...

Lawmakers in both chambers considered contrasting measures for the future of the low-income health care program, set to expire if they don’t take action. by Mara Silvers and Zeke Lloyd Two Montana lawmakers, one Republican and one Democratic, advocated Wednesday for their strategies to ...
News from Upper Seven Law GREAT FALLS — Today, the Montana District Court in Great Falls ordered the Legislative Services Division to return to its long-held practice of producing legislative documents related to the drafting of a bill to members of the public under the Montana Constitution’...

News from Montana Historical Society HELENA - While everyone is welcome to explore the Capitol and observe the legislature on their own, Bramble explains that that MTHS tour guides provide insight on the history, art and architecture of the building, while offering an introduction to the political proce...