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Nonprofits invited to annual ‘Holiday Retreet’

News from Friends of the Lake County Fairgrounds LAKE COUNTY — Lake County nonprofit businesses are invited to help create a holiday forest scene inside the Ronan Community Center during the annual Lights Under the Big Sky event. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three decorated trees receiving the most votes from the community, $300 for first place, $200 for second place and $100 for third place. Call Dana at 406-240-0640 by Dec. 1 to register your entry. Rules: Any artificial or homemade tree under 8 feet, decorate for family-oriented event, no electric parts, battery operated lights acceptable (you must turn off and on), create 12X12 or small sign with nonprofit’s n...

St. Ignatius seniors for Nov. 20, 2024

ST. IGNATIUS  — We will have a table at the 4-H Bazaar on Dec. 14 at the St. Ignatius High School.  We will have baked goods and crafts. Donations for the bake sale will be welcomed. We had good participation in the bingo day on Nov. 9 with two blackouts. So each winner got $40 and a turke...

Polson seniors for Nov. 20, 2024

POLSON  — The Country Store is up and running. This fine group of volunteers are continuing to provide low cost clothing and household items to those in need in our community. You can help with donations of time and financial support for this long-time community service organization. The Polson...

Arlee Seniors for Nov. 20, 2024

ARLEE — Happy Thanksgiving from the Arlee Senior Citizens Board Days are getting shorter, wind is blowing the leaves you raked all over lawn, nights are below freezing, but the beauty of sunny and cloudy days with a little rain mixed in prepares us for those cold winter nights. Events: Arlee s...

Granddaughter fulfills veteran grandfather's promise Granddaughter fulfills veteran grandfather's promise

For her entire life, Emilie McGrath heard stories about her grandfather, Raymond William Latty, even though he died many years before her birth. Her father John Latty kept his Pops’ memory alive by sharing stories about him all through her growing up years. Raymond grew up living and working on a fa...

Very old tree rings help physicist quantify strength of historic cosmic storms Very old tree rings help physicist quantify strength of historic cosmic storms

BOZEMAN – Montanans have been dazzled in recent months by colorful displays of the aurora, or northern lights, which occur when plasma and energetic particles ejected by the sun slam into Earth’s atmosphere and clash with the planet’s magnetic field. As spectacular as those light shows h...

Polson seniors for Nov. 13, 2024

POLSON — How will the media survive without all those political advertisements? Democracy will survive with our collective vigilance and perseverance through the good times and bad times as well.   Memory Café will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 3 at 1 p.m. This will be their last meeting at t...

St. Ignatius Seniors for Nov. 13, 2024

ST. IGNATIUS —  Remember to check your Medicare plans before Dec. 1. If you need help, call 406-883-7284. The St. Ignatius Senior Center will have a table at the 4-H Bazaar on Dec. 14 at the St. Ignatius High School. We will have baked goods and crafts. Donations for the bake sale are welcome. ...

Art workshops foster community in Arlee Art workshops foster community in Arlee

ARLEE — Community members, parents and children in grades three and up gathered for a morning of hands-on art Nov. 1 at the Arlee Community Development Corporation. The Creative Tile Mosaic workshop was led by local artist Sean Parson, whose work is currently on display at the CDC. “To make...

AVID for learning in Polson schools AVID for learning in Polson schools

POLSON — As part of our ongoing commitment to preparing students for college and career readiness, Polson School District is excited to announce the implementation of the Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) program, starting this school year. AVID is a proven college and career readiness sy...

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