POLSON — Veterans Day is Nov. 11. Every day you should thank a vet for protecting democracy here and abroad. Some voters have a lot to complain about; some have a lot to be satisfied with; and non-voters should just be quiet. You had your chance to speak on Nov. 5. The Polson Senior Center Board of Directors meet at 10 a.m. on the second Friday of each month (Nov. 8). Your input is always welcome. Our membership is growing faster than last year. Substitute cooks are needed when our regular staff members are absent due to illness or vacation. Pay DOE. Classes for understanding cell phone/computer are postponed until 2025. A sign-up sheet is available at the cent...
ST. IGNATIUS — Remember to check your Medicare plans before Dec. 1. If you need help call 406-883-7284. Bingo will be played on Saturday, Nov. 9, at 2 p.m. Come enjoy the fun and goodies. A turkey will be added to the blackout prize. We are looking for a Site Manager to work 8 to 12 hours a week....

News from DPHHS RONAN — Rep. Courtenay Sprunger, Sen. Shane Morigeau, Sen. Mike Cuffe, and Lindsey Carter of the DPHHS Developmental Disability Program visited the future site of Jake’s Farm in the Dell on Monday, Oct. 21. A $400,000 state grant has helped launch construction of the new f...

News from Lake County Sheriff Don Bell LAKE COUNTY — On Oct. 14, the Lake County Sheriff’s Office took a report that 54-year-old Dnette Tenas, of Ronan, had not been heard from by friends or family since Oct. 8. Lake County Sheriff’s Office personnel and Tribal Police officers were abl...
POLSON — As part of Polson High School’s ongoing commitment to preparing students for life beyond the classroom, we are excited to announce our inaugural year of the “Pirate Pursuits” program — a new graduation requirement for all seniors. This initiative encourages students to ...
ST. IGNATIUS — Remember to vote on Nov. 5. Bingo will be played on Nov. 9 at 2 p.m. at the St. Ignatius Senior Center. Come enjoy the fun and goodies. We will hold the AARP Safe Driving Course on Nov. 7 at 1 p.m. Some insurance companies will give you a discount if you take the course. If interes...
RONAN — Mission Valley Senior Center is located across from St. Luke’s Hospital. Any age is welcome to come enjoy our meals and you don’t have to be a senior citizen. We are open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for lunch and other activities. Our menu is: — Wednesday...
POLSON — Happy Halloween! Drive safely out there. November 3 is so irritating. Set your clocks back Saturday evening, Montana Standard Time. Or just throw your clock outside and watch time fly away. Tuesday is election day. I call it race day, and I bet on which TV station will predict a winner, ...

By Boone Goddard / Valley Journal On Friday, Oct. 18, at 5 p.m., U. S. Representative Ryan Zinke, incumbent candidate for Montana’s 1st Congressional District, showed up for a rally on Highway 93 near Polson City Hall. Approximately 30 of his supporters waved signs and played music while many vehi...
News from the City of Polson POLSON — The City of Polson will hold a “Civics 101: Polson” class on Oct. 29, 2024, from 5:30 to 7 p.m., at Polson City Hall. Have you ever wondered the difference between the Mayor and City Manager in Polson? Perhaps you’re curious about t...