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RONAN — We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. It’s hard to believer that 2015 will be here in just a few days and I hope that the New Year is a good one for all of us.

Thanks to all who purchased tickets for the raffles put on by the Council on Aging and the Senior Citizens Centers.

Congratulations to the winners of the raffle for the COA. The money raised by the raffle will go toward the purchase of the new bus for the COA. They need to raise $7000 for their part of the purchase price and any and all donations are greatly appreciated. 

Ellen Kaphammer was the winner of the basket raffled off by the senior citizens. The money raised by the basket raffle will be split between the center and the nutrition program.

The prizes for these raffles were donated and sadly, someone decided to steal one of the prizes for the COA raffle. It is a lunch box made of license plates, including one about Pearl Harbor. Thanks to Jim and Auggie Peterson for replacing the prize.

The center will be closed on Thursday and Friday of this week and again on Thursday and Friday of next week. These closures are so our staff can spend more time with their families during the holidays.

Our menu for the rest of the year is:

•  Wednesday, Dec. 24: meatloaf

•  Friday, Dec. 26: we are closed

•  Monday, Dec. 29: ham and bean soup

• Wednesday, Dec. 31: salad bar,

• Friday, Jan. 2: we are closed

Have a great week.


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