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Former Rep. Danny Tenenbaum kicks off State Senate campaign

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News from Danny Tenenbaum

MISSOULA — Former Montana Rep. Danny Tenenbaum kicks off his campaign for Senate District 46 this week. Senate District 46 includes urban and rural communities in Missoula, Sanders, and Lake counties.

Tenenbaum currently works for the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes as an Associate Justice on the CSKT Court of Appeals in Pablo. He lives in Missoula with his wife and two sons, where he also teaches preschool part-time at Clark Fork School and works as a substitute teacher for Missoula County Public Schools. He previously worked as a public defender in State and Tribal courts and has won multiple precedent-setting cases before the Montana Supreme Court while defending indigent Montanans.

In 2021, Tenenbaum was elected to represent House District 95 in the Montana House of Representatives. Tenenbaum served on the House Health and Human Services and Judiciary committees. His interim committee work included the Children, Family, Health and Human Services committee and the Governor’s bipartisan Housing Task Force. 

Tenenbaum has a record of working across the aisle to secure major victories for everyday Montanans. He helped draft and advance bipartisan legislation to expand housing opportunities for Montanans, protect the rights of children and parents in the foster care system, secure high-quality care for people living with Alzheimer’s disease, and increase penalties for illegal robocalls.

“The hard-working people of Western Montana deserve a prosperous economy, dynamic public schools, abundant housing, and a clean and healthful environment for future generations to thrive. The coming years will be critical. Montana Republicans are planning to ax Medicaid expansion, defund public schools, and sacrifice our children’s right to clean air and water. Senate District 46 deserves a leader who won’t back down from a fight. I am committed to building a brighter future for Montana’s working families.”

Community leaders supporting Tenenbaum’s campaign include Senator Shane Morigeau, Representative Zooey Zephyr, Senator Ellie Boldman, Missoula County Commissioner Juanita Vero, Missoula City Councilmember Mike Nugent, and MMIW Advocate Claire Charlo.


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