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Pollinator week returns to Ronan

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RONAN — Trivia, food, family and sidewalk chalk competition to boot. A weeklong event filled with fun and activities to raise awareness about native plant life, the insects and animals that help to pollinate plant life and the promotion of less harmful alternatives to the harsh chemicals used in gardens and yards.

The two main events, hosted by Ronan Co-op Brewery, were Tuesday Night Trivia and Friday Sidewalk Chalk Art Competition. This is the second year that Lake County conservation District has put on the event and that Ronan Co-op Brewery has hosted. “Last year it was really easy-going affair, lots of kids, lots of families,” said Head Brewer Jim Myers. “People can come and bring their kids, check out some other’s artwork and do some themselves. It’s a nice way to bring all ages of people into the brewery and to have a relaxing time.” 

Pollinator Week is  more than fun and games though, organizers said. It is a national week to promote education on local pollinators and native plant life. On the website or at the events, visitors can learn about local pollinators, native plants and how these two come together to make Lake County beautiful and they help the community. 

Lake County Conservation District also used this time to spread the word about the Pollinator Initiative. This initiative helps to create beneficial areas for our local pollinators. Part of this initiative is dedicated to providing free local seeds to the community to bring back more local plant life. To learn more about the initiative, pollinators, or to sign up and get your free seeds in spring and fall, go to and click on pollinators. 

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