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$565,000 secured to remove lead from drinking water sources

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News from the office of Senator Jon Tester

BIG SANDY — As a direct result of his bipartisan Infra-structure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), U.S. Senator Jon Tester recently secured $565,000 in grant funding to remove lead in sources of drinking water in Montana schools and childcare facilities.

Tester worked with five Re- publicans and four Democrats to negotiate the IIJA and was the only member of Montana’s Congressional delegation to vote for the bill.

“Getting lead out of our drinking water is a no-brainer, and is something I was proud to champion in my bipartisan infra- structure law,” said Tester. “Ev- ery Montanan has the right to a clean and healthful environment – especially our children – and students in Montana will be bet- ter off for the long-haul because of these resources.”

Through Tester’s IIJA, activities that remove sources of lead in drinking water are now, for the first time, eligible to receive fund- ing through the Water Infrastruc- ture Improvements for the Nation Act (WIIN). This grant funding is provided to states, territories, and Tribes, as a part of the Biden Administration’s Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan to deliver clean water to all communities. Fund- ing will be delivered through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to remove lead in sources of drinking water in Montana schools and childcare facilities.

Tester worked across the aisle for months to negotiate the IIJA with a group of five Republicans, four Democrats, and the White House. Tester’s law is projected to create more than 800,000 American jobs and lower costs for businesses by making target- ed investments that will strength- en our nation without raising taxes on working families.

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