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Have you heard about the existing Water Compact? Did you know that it is still in limbo? There is a new solution, fair for all. I want to invite and encourage you to learn about and support The People’s Compact. Montana Senator and doctor, Al Olszewski, will introduce this new concept Nov. 27 at 6 p.m. at the Red Lion Hotel in Polson and in Kalispell sometime early December.

Last month, Senator Olszewski spoke at Leon Hall with a crowd of over 100 people, and this month, Senator Olszewski spoke to six of the Flathead Irrigation Project commissioners and their participating irrigator constituents. He introduced a new concept, a new direction and a new intention to settle the great Montana watershed debate.

Dr. Al Olszewski has listened to both sides of the divide regarding the prior Confederated Salish and Kootenai Water Compact, which is still in congressional limbo. The result is to promote a new, generous and widely accepted CSKT Water Compact referred to as The People’s Compact. The People’s Compact represents a collaboration of voices across Montana and beyond including numerous individual CSKT tribal members. Your involvement will make a difference. Thanks for listening. Learn more at https:// thepeoplescompact.wordpress. com or mendingfencesact@

Kendell Foreman
Arlee Swan


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