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Voting should be an honored duty

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In his Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln said ours is a “government of the people, by the people, for the people” - a government agreed to ‘by the people’ through a written contract we call the Constitution of the United States.

Whatever our concerns about conditions in America today, “government of the people and by the people” are essentials to ensure “government for the people”. We simply forsake this duty when we choose deliberately not to vote. 

Absentee ballots give us 75 days to vote at home with a mail-in date of Nov. 2, 2010,  for the next elections. Even with this facilitation, the last voter turnout of citizens registered to vote in Lake County was 28 percent.

Some of the conditions facing America are: The economy and our unemployment rate of 9.5 percent; the burgeoning national debt to be paid from future tax revenues; the porous national borders with all of their consequences; the resurgence of ACORN under different names. 

According to Judicial Watch, out of 1.3 million voters ACORN registered to vote in the 2008 elections, 400,000 were rejected. 

However we accept these conditions, we are honor bound as Americans who recite the Pledge of Allegiance, salute our flag or hold our hands over our hearts when the colors pass, to vote in every election. 

Why can’t 100 percent of us vote...every time?

Sotero Muniz,


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